Suite Sherazade

Max: 4 Adults Surface : 55m2 View : Sea

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Suite description

Etiam at hendrerit sem. Quisque porta velit quis dolor interdum, sit amet imperdiet leo posuere. Nam id nisl scelerisque, commodo ex vel, vulputate eros. Aenean sit amet rutrum odio. Suspendisse faucibus ac turpis et tincidunt. Cras non quam mauris. Nullam commodo a urna sed faucibus. Nam dolor odio, eleifend quis dictum aliquet, ultrices vel purus.

Phasellus at congue lectus, sit amet tincidunt nunc. Vivamus fermentum nunc ac dui faucibus consequat. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Proin hendrerit sit amet est at laoreet. Nam auctor rhoncus accumsan. Morbi et turpis ac ligula tempor tincidunt.



High speed in-room wifi Mini bar
Swimming pool Flat screen

Video tour

Booking Policy

Is breakfast included as standard with all suites?

Guests also have the option to enjoy breakfast outside of their room, served either on the terrace to appreciate the view or in the living room. Breakfast is served from 8 am to 10:30 am, offering a continental selection.

I arrive early in the morning or late in the evening, can I check in?

Yes, you can check in. If you arrive early in the morning and all suites are taken, we can hold your luggage until the room becomes available, giving you time to explore the city. If you arrive late in the evening, just let us know, and the receptionist will wait to welcome you.

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